
Friday, May 30, 2008

Planting My Tomatoes

I got 14 tomato plants put in's some pics:

I make up a mixture with my old Sunshine Mix, compost, crushed eggshells and one fullsized coffee can of used coffee grounds....

Dig my holes, add one good shovelfull of this mixture to each hole, and start planting.

I have to use a knife around the edges to loosen the soil in those tall beer cans we use to put the tomatoes into....

Look at these roots! This is what happens when you transplant the tomatoes into a nice wide deep container, those beer cans...gotta love 'em!

These look great....they didn't all have root growth like this one, but they were pretty nice....this one has a Full rootball and a nice thick healthy stem.....

Once I have the plant in, I stake it right sense in distressing these plants again at a later date...

Then I tie them to the stake using those Velcro plant ties, those things are great! (reusable too, I'm on the third year with my first batch). As the plants grow, I'll add more tape where needed.

Here's a pic with my first row in...

and once my greenhouse is full (it will hold 15 plants, 5 to a row)

And a pic with the greenhouse plastic cover down (I need to hose that gunk off there)....I'll leave it down like this for a few days till the plants are settled. Unless it gets quite hot, then I'll open the cover for the day. Either way, the cover will go down at night.....
Hmmm, the cover should go all the way down to the ground...we will have to adjust that this afternoon...we may need more slope on that roof part, that would help. The cold night air will get in there if we don't make the adjustment....

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