Well, we had a rainy day yesterday and it looks like it's setting up for a rainy morning here too...this afternoon is supposed to be better....
We're off to town later today, I have run out of Sunshine Mix, so need to pick more up. I Have to get these tomatoes transplanted....if I have time later tonite, I'll do it. Otherwise it has to get done tomorrow....then they can come upstairs and sit in the windowsills.
I moved up two trays of sugar beets to the living room...it's Starting to look a bit like a jungle in here!
So yesterday, I brought up all the seed potatoes from the cold room. I put them in the pantry in the kitchen, where it's much warmer, but dark. I'll let them sit there until the weekend, see if I can get more sprouting before I plant.
We're gonna need a couple of doors down at the barn, for the meat bird room. So, since our long term goal is to change our basement configuration around, I took off two doors to rooms down there, and brought them down to the barn. The Gman is going to make one door, the main entry door...he wants to put a window in it, which I think is a great idea.
That way, whenever we walk thru the barn, we can just peek thru the window to see how the meat birds are doing....they don't need a Lot of constant care, but they do need to be watched over, so this will help!
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