Here's how the old pig run from last year is shaping up....the potatoes are doing nicely, and I've got them hilled.....
but boy is there a LOT of chick weed in there, you can see it at the front of the picture...I got in there with the hoe and dug it all up. I'm sure I'll be back in there with the hoe again in about a week!

What a great garden you have so far north. We live outside of Spokane, Washington. Had a long winter that dragged through spring...what spring? we didn' get one cuz it went straight into summer's heat. I already canned 4 batches of strawberries. Now I need to figure out when the potatoes are ready? Do you have any tips?
Hi slpha! Thanks for your comment, it sure is nice to know people are reading our blog.
It sounds like you had a spring like ours....pretty much non existent, going from cold to hot!
About potatoes, once mine have flowered, I wait maybe 2 weeks, then start feeling around with my hands in the hills I made around the plants.....if you do that, and feel some good sized potatoes, you can easily pull them out.
Just take one or two off each plant, and then make sure the hill of soil is around the plant again....that way the remaining potatoes will get bigger...hope this info helps otherwise just ask...thanks again.
Slpha, I should have asked in my earlier post...but do u have a blog? If you do, please leave me your blog address, so I can check it out...
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