The other day, I spent a good hour in each greenhouse, working on the maters.....pulled off the bottom leaves again, and pulled a bunch of suckers....
We have nice fruit setting!

Here's the after shot....they look a bit bare!

And here's the waste. The tomato leaves are in the wheelbarrow....in the little bucket are the weeds I pulled around the plants.
REMEMBER - Do NOT feed any tomato leaves to animals...poisonous....but I do throw them on my compost....
We're back to finishing meat birds this morning.... Sphere: Related Content
What is your typical growing season? We plant the first of May and can harvest tomatoes into October. The first frost is usually at the end of October.
If you start to run out of time you can push the tomatoes to ripen by cutting through roots. I circle the plant about 12" from the stem with a spade.
Hi Robin, thanks for the tip, I haven't heard that one before....
Michelle, typically, I can start planting peas potatoes etc, in mid-May....I usually have the garden harvested in late Sept. BUT we can get frost at anytime....a friend up here lost her whole bean crop on July 28 one year, due to frost....
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