OK, finally I will try to put them up on the blog....last week we went on a very quick one night trip down to the Fraser Valley...just east of Vancouver.
We headed south and soon we started following the Thompson River down...around Cache Creek, Ashcroft area it is pretty dry, arid countryside....there's the Thompson River.
The old Cemetary in Clinton...
An old old church we pass in Spences Bridge....
Ah, nice and low, by the river....
People (crazy people, not me, no way, uh uh) go rafting down the River....there's quite a few Rafting Expidition places....
Looking down the Nicola Valley.
We're on the Gold Rush Trail, that was once taken by all those folks with gleams of gold in their eyes...the ones that went all the way up to Alaska!
Quite often, you can see the Bighorn Sheep in Spences Bridge, you have to look really carefully tho, as they blend in so well with their surroundings.
Some hoodoos...
Climbing now....
The bridge at Lytton...a neat place, often is the Hottest Spot in Canada temperature wise....Lytton is called the Town Where Two Rivers Meet....this is where the Thompson meets the mighty Fraser River, which flows all the way down the Fraser Canyon to Vancouver....
(I kept trying to snap pics and the Gman was a Man on a Mission, he said I'm not stopping so you better be good with the camera, lol!)
Lytton and the Fraser River....
Starting to climb towards the summit....
A big motorhome with its tow vehicle....Lots of these on the roads here in summer, a lot of folks head up to Alaska in May and start heading south (and back home) in August....
There are often rock slides in this area....I don't know if you can see it on the pic, but the Highways people put huge metal mesh screens over the rocks....to try and stop the rocks from falling right onto the Highway....kinda dangerous, it is an Avalanche Area.....
Now, they are trying something different....look at all the rocks in those metal baskets! They will act as a retaining wall.....
Still climbing!

Ahhhhhh...we're at the Summit....Jackass. Elevation 361 metres (I think)
It's all downhill from here, right?????
Oh great, now comes Tunnel Time....
number 1
Tunnel 2
And, Tunnel 3
Oh, another one...Tunnel 4
Guess what? here's another one....Tunnel 5
Well, I can't leave out Tunnel 6 now, can I? (That's the last one, whew!)
About an hour later, we had gone thru the town of Hope and headed onto the freeway, past all the farms of the Fraser Valley.....
They grow a LOT of corn here.....
All kinds of veggies....
Corn again.....at this point I was beginning to obsess about Corn, so we stopped at a stand and picked some up!
Awwww....and here's the prize for that trip....check out dem dimples...I'd drive a million miles for ones of his smiles....Nick, my youngest!
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Hi Annie
I emailed you a while back about your blog. You asked me if I had one, which I did not. Well, apparently you gave me that extra little push in the right direction and now I do!
Not as exciting as yours, but I'm having fun with it.
Sooz in NV
Annie, I can't remember how many times I have made the same trip, but backwards from you. When we were younger we would drive to the Grandparents in Alberta, at least 3 times a year. Those tunnels are so familiar to me, and they were the highlight of the trip. Good to see them again, since now we take the Coquahalla.
Hi again Sooz! What's your blog address, I would love to check it out! Please....and glad to see you are still reading!
Jen, we made the same trip often when I was growing up....there is no fun on the Coq...nuttin to see, and you pay for the privilege! I'd rather take the scenic route...btw, I tried to get a pic of Hell's Gate, but couldn't snap in time...the gman was on a mission, so we couldn't stop...there is always next time!
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