Took a kinda neat picture of the sun setting last night.....

Check out the fall colours! Boy it looks beautiful around here right now....

I wonder when the leaves will fall? Hopefully they will hang on for awhile longer....but at some point, one big wind will come along. Then it will look like it's snowing leaves....
Have a nice Sunday! We're going for coffee at the neighbours, then we will start stripping the forms off the shop foundation....doesn't that sound like a whole barrel of FUN? Sphere: Related Content
Love your pictures Annie. I stole one and put it up on the forum!
It is beautiful there. Trees here on the Mississippi coast always look the same.
I moved from Alaska to WI and I just love the fall colors her, In Alaska all you get is yellow, here its red and gold and all kinds of shades!
Saw your Mangle post on HT and decided to drop by. Really enjoyed reading your blog - the property is lovely and I really liked following you & G through the year. I'm a serial reader by nature; I'll catch you in another 6- 12 months, now that I've found you, and get another evenings enjoyment from you. Please continue to post; even if you don't see regular comments, know that your diary is appreciated as a glimpse into my own dreams. Jeslik
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