
Sunday, December 28, 2008

Da Wolf

Still fiddlin with the new camera...and taking life easy. Folks down the valley had an Open House today, so we spent the afternoon with a bunch of people. Good food and lots of visiting.

Here's our boy - half Wolf half Malamute. He'll be 9 next April...

He Loves the Snow! He likes to lay on the snow in the sunshine.
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pamela said...

Looks like you are doing very well with the new camera. Wolf is beautiful.I love dogs with a passion.I only have 4.We lost 2 of our dogs due to old age-13 and 15.
And 3 of our 4 are rescues.

Aunt Krissy said...

He looks like he would like the cold. Unlike my dog

Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

He's a handsome guy!

Annie said...

Aw, Pamela, that's hard when they get older. they're just like members of our family...Good for you for rescuing animals!

Krissy and Matron, thanks, he does like the snow a Lot! But he would rather sleep inside than outside right now, and really, who can blame him??


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