
Saturday, January 3, 2009

More Snowy Pics....

We brought the camera along with us when we went for a ride the other day....

Lots of trees weighted down with snow and ice....

A pretty paint.....

Part of a Guest Ranch.....

lots of snow....

A tree had fallen over the road....someone must have brought their chainsaw.

A couple more horses.....

Old barn....

These folks are gone for winter....they park vehicles sideways in the driveway to deter someone from bothering to break in....
they've named their property Rancho Jeepo....driveway markers are used antifreeze bottles...yup, there's a Jeep under there somewhere.

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Aunt Krissy said...

seeing that type of trees covered with snow makes me homesick! Here its all oak,maple and other types that arnt in AK.

Cristine's Story said...

How do the horses survive in that? Burrrrrrr!

Annie said...

Paris, most horses don't even have blankets on them. Some do, but then they need to be kept on until the cold is gone, which can be quite awhile.

Some horses have a barn to go into, others have a loafing shed....but others have nothing at all. And they is amazing. they get thick furry coats, for sure!


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