
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Seed Orders and a Cold Room Update

I've been working on finishing up the seed order. I wouldn't mind having extras again ( I just hate it when I plant the LAST of my seeds). So I have the major order goes

Tomato - Jetsetter - yummy big juicy meaty; Roma VF - I need to try these!
Turnip - Purple Top
Peas - Alaska - need more; Sugar Snap
Lettuce - Salad Bowl
Kale - Dwarf Green Curled
Carrot - have lots of seed, but ordering some Danvers Half Longs
Cabbage - Early Copenhagen Market
Cauliflower - Early Snowball
Broccoli - Packman
Beets - Detroit Dark Red
Beans - Bush Blue Lake
Swiss Chard - Fordhook

I have quite a few seeds leftover from last year....Good!

One of our Main Goals for this year is to try to grow twice as much animal food as we did last we'll need lots of seed on hand.

checked the cold room - we have a LOT of potatoes still down there - like almost 2 -50lb feed bags full, PLUS all the seed potato I put away in the fall. So, we should have potatoes on hand to feed to the little piggies whenever they come (and yes, it's too early for me to even begin to dwell on piggy numbers right now)

The rutabagas, sugar beets and mangels that we put in the cold room in the Fall, still look fine. We're hoping they'll be ok to just plop in the ground come May. Then in the Fall 09, we'll be able to harvest seed from these ones that are on the "second time around".

Over the next few days, I will finalize the rest of the orders and get them sent off! Sphere: Related Content


Aunt Krissy said...

OH! That sounds like fun! At night when I'm in bed I plan my garden. It looks so nice in my mind and it's weed free there!

Annie said...

Oh that's for sure, totally weed free, and incredible harvests, lol!


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