
Monday, March 16, 2009

A Fantastic Chicken Raising Link!

Want to learn more about feed for chickens? Nutritional value of eggs? How to devise your own special diet to feed your chickens? Check out this link....

There is a LOT of info over there! Enjoy!! Sphere: Related Content


Meadowlark said...

THanks. I was just asking about that at my place. Appreciate the info.

Aunt Krissy said...

I went to order my chicks but was too late at this one place, so now I have to go to the feed store and get my chickies.

Ms. M said...

Great link - thanks. I was just telling my friend that I want to learn to grow my own chicken feed. I'm getting chicks in a few weeks too (a collection of 4 heritage breeds) and am excited about that (the chickens I have now were already a year old when I got them). I'm learning to do Country living in Falkland, BC:, so I am very glad to find your blog. I'm also involved in permaculture and we're hoping to plan a permaculture conference in the Canim Lake area, so I'll be able to visit the South Cariboo.

Annie said...

Meadowlark, it's got a lot of good info over there, glad it was of help....

Krissy, do you still have to preorder or does your feed store just get a bunch in and then sell them first come first serve? Ours doesn't bring them in like that....

Monique, welcome to our blog! I will check yours out. We grow lots of veggies to use as chicken feed! Anything to reduce the bill at the feed store!


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