
Friday, April 24, 2009

Broccoli, Cauliflower and Tomato Seeds

Ok, well yesterday afternoon, I managed to get my potting room cleaned up from the last round. Then I started seeding.

I seeded 20 Broccoli and 20 Cauliflower....crossing my fingers that they germinate well.

This morning, I got my tomatoes seeded:

7 Sweet Baby Girl Cherry
6 Siberian - a hardy tomato for growing Up North (am doing these up for a friend)
10 Amish Paste
7 Roma
9 Jetsetter

Hmmm, that gives me 33 plants for our use, I think between the 2 greenhouses, I would have room for a few more, maybe 5 I may do a few more Jetsetters.

I grew those last year and they were wonderfully large and tasty. Fantastic for fresh eating, and good for sauce too. This year I am trying Roma and the Amish Paste mostly to use for sauce. Sphere: Related Content


Angie said...

Looks like all that ranting you did in front of your tomatoes about the cabbage paid off ;)

Annie said...

I've had better germination this time, for sure. And last night, I seeded the few pots that did not show's a little more encouraging!

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