We picked up a trailerload of horse biscuits the other day from our friends.....the Gman took a section of the garden fence apart and used his machine to lift the trailer into the garden and dump it. Nice - it made the job quite a bit easier!
We gave the cabbage bed a quick hoeing, then I broadcast fall rye on the area. Then we got a really nice thick layer spread out on the cabbage bed.
The cabbages had all been pulled, trimmed of outer leaves and stored in the cold room downstairs. There were a few that little slugs got at, and we are feeding those off to the pigs. So that part of the garden = all done!
Turned my attention to trying to keep digging up potatoes. If I can get out there around mid morning, it has warmed up a bit and the sun is out (altho it's getting pretty cool!). I can then just leave the taters out in the air to dry them a bit, and make it easier to knock the soil off. I think these are Russets in the pic (took this pic a few days ago)
When the afternoon starts coming to an end and the sun just begins to go down, I bring my paper bags down and continue sorting the taters down in the field. No use handling each damn potato anymore than I have to.....sort them into bags for seed or for eating, then bring them up to the house.
I Never Ever leave potatoes out in the garden overnight...wayy too risky that it will get too cold for them. So, I try to do just a couple rows everyday and sooner or later, the job gets done.
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