
Monday, November 9, 2009

Rockin Da Wig

OK here it is.....

What do u think? other news.....I'm beginning to look more and more like my oldest son every day! ha!
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Linda Foley said...

Ya well, he is just a male version of you - you are very female (even without hair!) The wig looks fine... but so does your bald head!

Hey years ago I shaved all may hair off one year because the kids brought home head lice from school. The chemical stuff we use to get rid of them had all these horrible warnings on the label - so we all got buzzed! (poor kids!) Ooops! lol


Linda Foley said...

Ya know - after reading my own comment it sounds like I am making fun of your wig - not at all. Your wig really does like nice.

pamela said...

Hey Annie, you look wonderful. Even chemo can't keep a good woman down very long. The red hair looks amazing on you , because your hair is blonde.Maybe your hair will come back red--looks good with your skin tone.And yes, you do look like that young man.

Carolyn Evans-Dean said...

The wig doesn't really look like a wig...It is very natural looking. Red is definitely your color!

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