
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Here's The Contest!

Want to win a gift certificate worth $50 for you to spend over at They've got a great selection of all kinds of kitchen goodies, pop over and check them out!

If you want to enter, all you have to do is leave me a comment on This post. In your comment, I need for you to let me know how you originally found our blog.  That's all you need to do!!

Monday at 6pm PST, I'll close the comments and soon after will announce the name of the winner.

Good Luck!

My day is going to be spent making cheese with my Valley friend. I'll be bringing the camera and taking lots of notes! Enjoy your Sunday! Sphere: Related Content


RMueller said...

I was looking for some gardening tips for the cariboo area and found your amazing blog which I just LOVE reading! I look forward to daily tips and ideas and it's just nice to know someone else out there in the cariboo! Thanks.

3 little bears said...

I was looking for blogs in the cariboo. Iam so happy I found your Thanks to you I have a garden and its getting bigger this year. I wasn't sure what to grow in the cariboo. Thanks for sharing :)

Mr. and Mrs. Hoosier Homesteader said...

I believe you have your blogged linked over at HT, and while searching threads for something (not sure as it was several months ago), I clicked your link. Hooked ever since. Your animal garden has been a HUGE inspiration for us.

Can't wait to see the cheese post. We just got Alpine goats last month. Can't wait for milk!

pamela said...

Hey Annie,it's been awhile since I have commented-- but read every post. I actually found y'all by the comment, you left on pioneer woman- seems like a long time ago.
I don't remember what the comment was--but it was interesting to me..So I checked you out, and have not been disappointed yet.
Thanks for sharing your life with us.

Julia said...

Hi Annie,

Another who found you via Pioneer Woman.

have a great day!!

HossBoss said...

Hello, Annie...

I found your blog when I did a search on processing meat birds. We started with a dozen chicks last year and ended up with five roosters in the bunch. We want eggs but not chicks, so all the roosters went to the freezer. We did okay in that regard, but I was pretty sure I could improve on our methods so I was researching the subject. I added you to my blog roll because I found all of your posts very interesting.

: )

JTJF_1 said...

I found you over on HST. Great blog.

Kellie said...

Hi Annie

I found you via my friend who does the Transplanted Alaskan blog.

I love all you and the Gman do!

Keep the posts coming!!

Anonymous said...

During a hunt for worthy homesteading blogs, I found yours. I love your site so much, it is now one of my home pages.

girlsmama said...

I found you through pioneer women a while ago. I love to read about what you are up to! I'm hoping that my garden will benefit from what I've learned from you. :) If I can apply it all right that is...

Lisa said...

I found you on a link from the Transplanted Alaskan blog.
Keep on blogging!

Nina Diane said...

I have been following your blog for so long that I don't even remember how I found it! But I love reading it.....

Aunt Krissy said...

I can't rememebr how I found your blog. I think I was still up in AK working and at work I would check out the blogs I liked and yours was one of them. Being that I was at work I never left comments, just lurked. Then, I found your life interesting, now that I have goats, chickens, now I read if for all the information that you have. I never knew about mangels till your blog!

Blossom Barden (NorthLaurel) said...

I originally found this blog from one of your posts at my mom's forum, The Journey. Under Blogs of Interest, I believe.

What kind of cheese you going to be making? Well, I suppose I will find out :)

Anonymous said...

I am not sure how I found it, but it was when you were talking about feeding MANGLES to your animals. I have been reading daily, as someone from Texas I find your life there so interesting. I would so love to be able to homestead like you. Thanks for a wonderful blog & my morning reading.

Sharon from TX

Jonni in AZ said...

I am 90% sure I found you through Pioneer Woman. I visit both of your sites regularly. I have loved learning from your site. We even started a 'animal' garden this year. I find myself saying 'this is for the chickens etc.' Thanks for all your information.

Becky said...

I found you through the Pioneer Woman blog. I have continued to follow your blog as I am impressed that you followed your dream...despite how cold - I think my dream involves tropical islands!
PS. I have chicken envy maybe piglet envy but my husband says I am out of my mind...

Tim and Kari O'Brien said...

Hmmm, how did I find your wonderful blog? I think I did a search on google for sustainable living.
I love your blog and conversations and you are an inspiration. Thanks for all the great photos and writing!

Mamabear said...

I dont remember if it was hst or threw another blog. BUT I check in everyday to see whats new. Love your blog. Loved being there as you went threw your cancer treatments. Prayed threw every post you made. My GOD grant you health here on earth.

msholiday said...

I think I googled Canadian homesteads. Love your blog.

Ken and Mary of Fancy Fibers Farm said...

I found your blog because the folks you were visiting on your recent trip mentioned it. I try and stop by on a regular basis. Ken and Mary of Fancy Fibers Farm, Texas

RURAL said...

It's been so long since I found your blog for the first time, but....
I think it was also through a comment you made on PW.

I was so excited to see that someone else was from around here, I immediately clicked on your blog.


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