
Saturday, October 30, 2010

I Am a Breast Cancer Warrior....

You do know October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, right? I think we have some new readers here to our blog (and Welcome! Grab a coffee, pull up a chair and read awhile!).

In light of that, and because I am now always trying to raise awareness of Breast Cancer, I want to post about it. My struggle with it began last year...and what a year it has been! It's been painful, downright crappy and very very enlightening. Read about my journey here....have you or someone you know recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer? Please point them to my link. Read about it and realize that you can overcome the diagnosis.

You CAN come thru the treatments and enjoy your life again. Heck, if you're like me, you may even enjoy your life MORE than you did before Cancer. What a wake up call! What a realization that every day here is a gift!

Believe me, you sure do find out who cares about you and who....well, who really doesn't. I don't mean that to sound too depressing, but over the past year it has been like layers and layers of truths and beliefs have been peeled away....

I have changed, of that there is no doubt whatsoever. I am a different person than I was before diagnosis. I am farrrrr more intolerant of people who are not supportive or encouraging of me. Go away, I think...leave me alone.

I surround myself now with only the people who are a positive influence upon me. And...I have a right to do that. I have a right to be more selfish with my feelings, time and energy. And believe me, if I think something is a waste of energy, I just won't do it.....

I want to thank all you great readers who have been following over the last year. I so appreciate your comments and encouragement, more than you could ever know.

As October comes to a close, I want to point out to you the Cancer agencies over on the right side bar. Please consider is only with donations to fund research and treatments, that we can get ahold of Cancer and kick it to the curb.

And please....for goodness sake, women....get your mammograms. Do not forget EVER to do your self breast exams, but also go for the mammogram. Changes in Health policies, both in the US and in Canada, are leaning towards delaying mammograms until women are older, OR to have them done less often.

Don't do that....please! Who cares if the "powers that be" say you are OK to delay mammograms until you are well into your 40's or even 50's. It's a load of bunk.

I KNOW women who were diagnosed in their 30's. I Myself have absolutely NO history of breast cancer in my family...and yet....well, here I am.

In closing, here's a pic of my youngest son and his gal in Vancouver on Oct 3. They both participated in the Run for the Cure....and their team raised over $1500.00 in donations. I'm a proud and happy mama....

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Linda Foley said...

You are great Annie! I'd not have had the 'will' to work as hard at this as you have. Your definitely a survivor! And of course a warrior...

Tim and Kari O'Brien said...

You are a PINK Warrior! Keep sharing the good news and keep up the positive energy. You have an amazing message to share!

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