
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Come On Over to our New Site!

You have checked out our new site, haven't you? I noticed while reading a few blogs that some people still have THIS blog listed in their Blogrolls . Unfortunately, this makes me look like a loser who doesn't blog, because I am not updating this Blogger site very often anymore.

Please come on over to our new site! You can use Google Friend Connect to follow it, and it is just like following someone using Blogger.  You'll see the box as you scroll down the page.

There's also Facebook buttons and Twitter buttons too, so you can follow there if you like. I am trying to get more followers on Twitter, so soon I will be having a contest that will be open ONLY to Twitter followers.

So follow today - we are @CaribooValley  Just do a search for us in the box at the top of the Twitter page and then click Follow when our page comes up. Hope to see you following! Sphere: Related Content


Anonymous said...

Oops, sorry. I'm one of the guilty ones who linked to your old blog, but now my readers will be directed to your new website. I love both of them!


Rina ... also Chester or Daisysmum. said...

All fixed thanks for the prompt, see you there

Annie said...

Thanks Rina and Brenda for changing your links! And THANKS for coming over to the new site....enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

She into Halloween in the Summer?

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