
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Medical Continuing Education

Here’s a great site for medical field personnel to find continuing education courses. Anyone in the medical field knows that learning is a lifelong process and skills need to be updated on a regular basis. New techniques and processes are constantly evolving and you understand the importance of continual training.

Interested in moving into a teaching position? Sign up for a medical teaching course and learn the skills you need in order to teach others. Field experts will share how to interact with students in meaningful ways.

The teach the teacher course offered by Oxford Medical is limited to 18 students, ensuring that you receive the personal attention you deserve. Group work with other students will give you the skills you need to interact with others in your field.

Are you looking into moving into becoming a consultant? Perhaps the consultant interview course is for you. Register early as the number of students in each offering is limited. Post course support and training is offered to all students.

The medical management course is offered in either a 1 day or 3 day format. Learn how to manage your team effectively as well as conflict resolution. This course is suitable for both primary and secondary care givers.
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