Well, I have part of the upper garden in....I used my Vesey Seeder for the job. I'm happy with what it did, and it sure shortened the amount of time to get the seeds in!
I planted lettuce, beets, carrots, spinach and chard. This year I am going to make the rows Much Closer together....we have a Lot of veggies to grow. I'll take the chance that it's going to be a pain in the butt to get in there to pick the veggies, but I'm thinking this way it will cut down on the amount of weeds too...well, we'll see what happens. Life is full of chances, right????

Hmmm, I thought I had taken a pic of the chairs at the bottom of this path...but I guess not. I took this pic while Sitting in the chair...ahhh, oh well! It's not done anyway, there will be more pics coming.

I've got some of the girls working over the third strawberry bed....more girls are still over working that middle berry bed, gotta keep them busy! Keeps them out of trouble :)
And I managed to replace the rest of the mother strawberry plants with babies, so I think that means I now have two of the three beds finished....as long as I can keep up with the weeding! And I will try my best to pick off the flowers with these babies, so that their first year can be spent developing strong roots.....
It's really quite hot outside right now, so thought I would take a break and go in where it's nice and cool....now I think I'll take my ice tea and go sit in the seating area, lol.....it's under some spruce trees, very nice and cool!
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