
Monday, May 5, 2008

Working Outside!

Yesterday we managed to spend almost the whole day outside getting things done....while the Gman continued working on framing and putting siding on the first meat bird room down at the barn, I was in the garden.

I was able to clean out my first strawberry bed, and then started working on weeding out, and cleaning up the second strawberry bed.....also hacked away a bit at getting the grass out of what will be the third strawberry bed.....

Cleaned the chicken coop, scooped some gravel for a ditch the Gman got done down at the barn....

Also, got one of the chicken runs cleaned out....moved all the crap to the pile, raked the run, threw fall rye on it then started watering it....hoping it will be up in a couple of weeks and I can move the chickens back over to that side....

They're still out free ranging all afternoon, and helping me clean out the garden beds...gotta love good workers! Sphere: Related Content

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