I've been busy planting, trying to get the rest of the main veggie garden in - good news is I have room for only 2 more rows of something or other, and then it will be full.....Yeah!
I took a walk around yesterday and took a few pics....
The asparagus (which we planted last year) is doing great....we had 32 up last time I checked. We weren't going to eat any this year, it's a bit too early....better to wait until next year when it is more established.
I weeded the bed the other day, being So careful not to step on any of the plants, then whack! Darn it, I broke off one of the spears with the shovel...so I called the Gman over, and we shared it, lol....it was probably 5 inches long, it sure was tasty! We had a giggle over that one....
The strawberries are doing well, so are the weeds! I have Simply got to stay on top of the weeds this year.

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