
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Meat Birds

Tomorrow, we have some meat birds we've finished setting up for them. For the first two weeks, we will keep them up at the house, since they should be checked on quite often. After that, we'll move them down to the new meat bird room at the barn....

Here's a pic of the setup....we put the waterers up on little blocks of wood, a trick we learned last year. It will help keep the shavings out of the long feeder with "starter" for the first while, then they can move on to "grower". it's important to have rounded corners for them, so that they don't all pile up on each other in a corner and start smothering each other.....
Temperature in the room should be around 90 F (31C). This morning I plugged in the brooder light and turned up the heat in the can see the room needs to get quite a bit warmer before the chicks come. I'll check it periodically today and make sure the temp is still rising.
The first few days, they need to be monitored, and more than likely some of them will end up with "pasty butt". Last year we had a few with that, but as long as we cleaned them up often, they were just fine!
So tomorrow, hopefully, once they get settled in, I'll take some pics and post them on here.....
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