
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

2 Degrees

Well, here I sit at the puter....7:15AM Aug 26 and it's 2C out there....the Valley is cloaked in a shroud of mist. I have my fleece jamas on, housecoat, Uggs and I DON'T want to go outside. It looks too cold out there!

I have a bit of time before I have to head down to the barn to begin the daily chores, so I am going to take 20 minutes and try answering some of the Comments you have been leaving.

I appreciate them, I really do! It is so neat to know that there are people out there who are maybe learning some things about gardening, growing your own food, living in Boonyville, etc....

But I've been sooo busy lately, it is really hard to get everything done....and answering comments is one area that has been left behind.

The Gman's days are Really Really Full right now, so I am trying my best to maintain things around here....soon hopefully his schedule will change and I'll be back to bossing him around all the time (just kidding hon, I Think).

So bear with me please...and if you leave a comment and you have a blog, Please put a link in your comment....I would love to check out all your blogs (it may happen in November, But I do want to take a look!) Sphere: Related Content


Anonymous said...

It has been cool in the morning but nothing like the cold you have. I expect our warm-crop season to end with frost any time now.

I've been reading your blog for a while now and enjoy it very much!

Seasons Eatings Farm

Linda Foley said...

4.44 to 10C last night and tonight it’s not suppose to get lower than 10C the rest of the week... But fall is definitely in the air around here! We are to have some more 37.77C temps though before this is done. I'm looking forward to the cooler temps.

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