Eli, Jp and I sat on the porch the other night and took care of the garlic heads.....here's what we ended up with.
We pulled the cloves away from the heads, and counted 100 of them into the bowl....they are so nice and Big!!! (We used the Largest heads, and form those took the Largest Cloves....that's what I want to plant again.)
These are the ones I will plant back into the garden in another week or two....because of our cold winters, in the North garlic is planted in late August or early September....next year it gets harvested around Now....then the cycle repeats!

The rest of the heads got cleaned off, and I attempted to make a garlic braid to hang in the kitchen. It's probably the sorriest looking garlic braid in the history of the world....perhaps I'll hang it in the pantry instead!
I find it kinda cool that I understand what you're writing and that you probably can't understand anything i write in my blog.. Hm..
Those are nice Annnie... now I see why you asked about my using the small garlic to plant again. I've always heard that you should pick the best and largest to plant again and I probably will do that next time. I was thinking of planting mine again this fall, but not quite yet. I think maybe a couple weeks or so before fall frosts because we generally have a very mild winter.
Emilia, how about posting your blog address?
Linda, yup, I always do the biggest and nicest looking...and wow, am I glad I did that lst year.
The difference in the garlic THIS year is quite amazing!
Ya, I think I may change my mind on two counts - one is to plant the bigger ones, and two is to plant them next month. The onions I should have replanted by now... maybe I still have time.
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