
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Home Again

Well, we're home again and we had a great, but quick, visit with my youngest....I took some pics of our drive down to the Coast, and will try to get them put up later on today.....

I can't seem to access my email and I guess I'm not alone! We called the internet provider and the guy said 50% of people can't access right now....I guess those stats apply to us too, as the Gman can get his email, and I cannot, lol!

Headed out to the garden now....have to pick some carrots, lovage and whatever else I can find that would taste good in a pot of chicken soup!!! Sphere: Related Content


Unknown said...

It was good to see ya mom! Thanks for stopping by, we wish you could stop in more often!

Annie said...

Hi Hon! Nice to see you are reading the was great to see you both too!

I still haven't put up the pics of the trip yet....arg, Mama is too busy these days!

Love ya!

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