
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Salsa, Apples, BLT's, Peppers and Pork!

What a title, heh! Lots of food choices here!

Yesterday, I grew tired enough of all those red ripe juicy tomatoes staring at me, so I used them all up. I made 10 half-pints of salsa...then I got the rest ready for the deep freeze. I still have about 5 or 6 big paperbags full in various stages of ripening. BUT, I have tomatoes out of my hair again for the next few days.

Last week, neighbours were headed out to the Okanogan and were taking fruit requests....weeeee! Here comes 32 more pounds of apples! I'm going to take an hour this morning to get a bunch sliced up and tossed in the freezer to make pies with over the winter. I already have 7 bags in there, but that won't be enough! We love apple pie and also apple crisp, so I need more!!!
You can see a few pears in there too, our friend added those when she learned the Gman loves pears!

Lunch the other day - Totally HomeGrown BLT'S....home raised bacon, homegrown tomatoes, homegrown lettuce, and homemade bread, yummmmy!
Drippy, messy, juicy, nuttin like a BLT!
Here's a photo of some of our peppers drying. I slit them in half, and set them fairly close to the woodstove....they are drying nicely! You can see we don't even take the seeds out...the Gman loves HOT peppers, so he likes the seeds in.
When I make pickled eggs, I just throw one half into the jar for some added zing....
The other night while the parents were here, the Gman cut a pork roast into chops....check out that beautiful meat! Boy, was it good!!!
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