The Gman surprised me the other day - he made some improvements to the greenhouse!
He properly edged the insides with logs he cut. This looks better, and it will help hold the soil (which is ALL compost) inside the beds. We built this greenhouse last year, siting it directly on top of the old compost pile. Good stuff!
Then he built a frame along one side, and set boards on top to act as shelving. I'm going to use this for some of the seedlings this Spring.
When I am ready to plant the tomatoes in here, I'll just remove the boards and maybe leave the frame in place. If it needs to be taken down, it's just with a screwdriver.
Enjoy your Saturday! It's gorgeous outside, and this morning we've gotten one load of firewood dumped outside the woodroom. One smaller load was put there last night.
Off to go do some more work outside!
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That's a nice looking greenhouse. That bench will come in handy for sure. Nice that you can take it out
so that your tomatos will have room.
You did fantastic on that greenhouse! I love how it is on an incline with those rocks. Do you have problems with the wind?
Hi, I'm a new reader of your blog and I have to say if you threw in 3 kids and a bunch of animals you could be writing about my crazy life! I have done the pig chute numerous times and laughed so hard when I realized someone else had also wondered "how do you move a bunch of pigs?"!!
Thanks Krissy - I think it will be a bit before I put any seedlings out in the greenhouse. But I'm very glad to make use of that cool shelf!
Christy, we do get wind, but the greenhouse is somewhat buffered by the trees behind it. That direction is where the wind usually comes from. I will let Gman know you gave him a huge compliment on his greenhouse - he surprised me that day last year, when he told me he was going to make one!!!
Kellie, welcome! We learned the first year with pigs, that it's not as easy as people say to get them moved!
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