Our friends were up for just a couple of days. It was a quick but wonderful visit! While they were here, my Valley friend offered to take us on a walk thru the woods with her goats and sheep....

How cute is this???? Dulca giving Jen a kiss....
Then, a walk thru her barns....
Brand new babies as seen thru the horns of Mama....
These goats stayed at home of course while the others went walking....
Gorgeous colours on a rooster
My friend sheared a couple of her sheep. They had so many burrs and thistle things in them, she will not bother to clean the wool....
Finished off the afternoon with a little shooting...the Gman gave Jen the safety lessons on handling guns. Then they set up targets and got started!
Love the pics Annie!!!! Love 'em!
Don't you want goats now? Just think of how much fun you will have.
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