
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dandelion Wine and Rhubarb Wine

I did the next step on the Dandelion Wine this morning. I made up a sugar syrup and let it cool.

Meanwhile I was ladelling out the contents of the crock thru a strainer and into large bowls.....trying to get all the fruit out. The liquid is not clear at all, so I thought I might as well go ahead and use the potato masher to squeeze out all the juice I could get.

Here's the can already see a layer of sediment (little bits of fruity stuff) settling on the bottom of the jug. That's ok....we will rack it several times, trying to leave the sediment on the bottom. You can see I didn't even get a full gallon of liquid.

While I was doing that, the Gman was doing the next step on the second batch of Rhubarb's the leftover rhubarb sitting in a cooler. We'll take it down for the pigs. Go figure, they Love the Stuff!
A pic of what's sitting on our kitchen counter at the moment. (Gee, it'll be nice to get that wine room finished downstairs!)
From left to right....Dandelion Wine, a gallon of Rhubarb from the 1st batch, and the primary container holding the full 2nd batch of Rhubarb Wine.
Edited to add: I've put a heating pad under the Dandelion Wine and turned it on low. Also, wrapped the jar with a towel....I want to get the sugar addition working.
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