
Saturday, March 12, 2011

An Australian Reader

I got an email earlier today from Rina, who authors Pumpkin Patch Garden in Australia. She is posting today about jam making and has mentioned us in her post. I really enjoy getting emails from people who use the information we have posted here. Here's what Rina has to say:

Hi Annie, I followed your post on keeping egg chickens and selling eggs to pay for their feed, with success. That led me to raising 24 meat chooks of which I will be slaughtering the last 9 today. So far with success, average weight 2,800gr freezer space became a problem. Maybe only 12 birds next time, and not over our summer due to heat exhaustion, (lost 1 bird)I was thinking of saving one rooster and 2 hens but we have a orpington rooster who might not like it too much.

Sept/oct we are planning on getting 2 piglet and raising those for slaughter to make salami over winter. They should be 9 months old by then.

I have linked your blog as the best for "How Too's" in my last post.Have a great weekend Rina
The post Rina is referring to is this one here. Thanks Rina, you have a great weekend too. I'm glad you are getting the information you need from our How To's!
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