Another thing I don't like is when I get up in the morning and the house is so darn cold. We heat with a woodstove, and though I have a wall heater about one foot from my desk, I am too frugal (thrifty?) (cheap?) to turn it on.
You see, I come from Dutch ancestry and well, you know what some people say about the Dutch. We are a frugal people. Being as that Both my parents are Dutch, well I got the ole double whammy. Apparently I have, in turn, handed that down to one of my sons. That kid can squeeze a dime so tight, there will be a quarter in his hand when he reopens it. 'Nuff said. I digress.
Back to the work thing....I get up at 5:30am, put on the first pot of coffee, turn on the puter, throw a log on the fire....back to puter, get my 3 screens up and running...go get a cup of coffee, sit down, get all my trading Windows up and ready.
The one thing that I DON'T do is, ahem...get ready for the day. But hey, it's a great thing when u can go to work in your housecoat and a good case of bedhead.....right?
About my house being so cold....yes it really is, until that woodstove gets hauling again, it's c o l d
And my desk is a ways from the woodstove. In January and February, I sometimes have to put a toque on and my special mitts until I warm up enough. Yes, seriously....
G took this pic of me a couple months ago....let's run thru the checklist:

- Incredibly messy desk - Check
- Calculator - Check
- Post It Notes - Check
- Bottle of water - Check
- Cup of Coffee - Check
- Uggs on my feet - Check
- Housecoat - Check
- Hot pink lounging pants - Check
- Fingerless mitts - Check
- Toque on head - Check
Those mitts? Handmade by a friend of mine, from the sheep on her homestead down the road...she makes the most beautiful wool socks, mittens, scarves etc....all from the wool from her own sheep. How cool is that?
She custom made these for me, after I explained my problem.

To her credit, she only smiled, instead of outright busting a gut over my cold finger predicament. Take a look at these, they are so nice and warm, simply amazing. And I can type while I am wearing them!
Anyway, it is after the trading day that I usually get most of my stuff done...animals, garden in season, etc....housework is the last thing on my list. But that's another story.
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