
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's Kinda Cold Again

It's been a strange weather day here today, we have had snow (which didn't amount to much, and is already gone) and now it's sunny....but it's cold again!

A couple weeks or so ago, G took down a tree that would be in the way of our meat bird run....and today we went out and he cut the rest of the limbs off, and cut the trunk into firewood. I tidied up all the limbs and made a pile so we can have a fire soon....not today tho, it's a bit too windy out there.

The hens are again spending the afternoon working over the stuff in my berry bed expansion, yeah....the fence is holding! (So far)....

I've boxed up a bunch of eggs and we have both started getting things ready to go to the Coast this weekend....lots to do and plan for!

Still have to go to my friends to get some fresh milk...finish laundry, etc, etc.... Sphere: Related Content

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