Well, I'll be jiggered.....finally! We have a few cayenne peppers up, sweet! Actually we have 4...4 lonely cayennes, out of the 42 that I planted. Maybe some more will come up, these ones have just popped thru the soil, so I guess there is still time for more to germinate.

I have just a few (maybe three) Red Acre Cabbage coming up, but I just planted those not long ago, so am expecting more will start popping. Also, 5 Rudbeckia (disappointing) and 1 lonely little Coreopsis (mega disappointing!).
Yesterday we went into town to run some errands and pick up some pipe for G's truck. He is going to modify the exhaust, whatever that means....he says when it's done, we will get maybe 4 more miles to the gallon, so that sounds Good to me! Anything to save some gas money, I think fuel prices just going to keep rising, and never come down again!
Then we were at friends where we shared a bottle of wine, and talked about gardening and animals. They have 5 little lambs, so cute! I have to bring the camera down there and take a few pics to put up, they are so adorable!
Today's agenda includes my splitting more wood, getting it stacked, get a loaf of bread started, make dog cookies for da wolf, clean the kitchen and do some more clean up down at the barn. Sphere: Related Content
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