Well, the 3 Little Pigs have taken to their big new run quite well!! We weren't going to open it all the way up, in order to make sure they did a good rooting job over the Whole Area....but by the time the G man went to set up the middle boards, they had already been rooting like crazy!
So, he thought the heck with it, just let them in the whole area....and take a look what they have done in 2 days!
We just had a cup of tea on the porch and could see the pig run from there....we watched as all 3 of them raced from one end of the run to the other....guess they are liking their new yard!!

I can't remember if it was John Seymour who said "a pig with dirt on his nose is happy...a pig with dirt up to his eyes is in ecstasy."
And yup, that's a chicken in the run with the pigs...so far they seem to be getting along ok, lol!
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