My friend has goats and sheep - they shear the sheep in the Sring and she uses the wool for all kinds of knitting....almost every day she takes her animals out for a walk along the road. After awhile, they take a trail into the woods and walk for about an hour.

Look at this little guy, isn't he adorable? And really friendly too!
So this morning I got some more rudbeckia and coreopsis seeded, let's hope that the germination is better....the temperature in the seedling room is 74F, so that should be ok.
Also seeded 38 Sugar Beets...hopefully they will grow well and we can store them for animal feed for this coming winter. I haven't grown them before, and the package said they could be started indoors one month before last frost....so I figured I would give that a try!
My father-in-law scooped us about 5 or 6 dozen quart size canning jars (Thanks again!) so I've been scrubbing them out this morning. Halfway done, and now those ones can go downstairs into storage......we're headed into town for the afternoon. It's gorgeous out today, nice and sunny and warm....19 eggs from the hens, so all is good!
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