The other day, it was sooooo hot out, we simply couldn't work outside......
So I decided to get a start on some rhubarb wine. We haven't made it before, but we're gonna give it a try!

I ended up with 12 and a half pounds.....washed all the stalks.....

Then cleaned out a primary fermenter, and snapped all the stalks many times.....apparently, you don't need to cleanly break each stalk into pieces, just a quick snap so the rhubarb is exposed.....
Snapped the stalks into the primary and poured cold water over, to cover them. Now I'll let it sit 3 days, then scoop out the rhubarb and leave the water behind....I have read and been told to NOT mash the rhubarb....apparently this leads to a cloudy wine.
To be continued..... Sphere: Related Content
I have been looking at your blog for a few weeks.Very nice. I do have a question for you. How do you get the borders on your pics? do you have photo shop? Or is it something you found via Blogger?
thanks for you help
Hi Kris, thanks for putting your blog address on here, I will go take a look.....I don't use Photoshop. So it must have been a Blogger thing, altho I can't remember at all. I just put a post up with pics, and I thought there was maybe an option on there, but there wasn't.
I wonder if, the first time I put a pic up, it asked me how I wanted it to look? That's the only thing I can think of...
Thanks for reading our blog! Hope you will check back to see what we're up to....
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