The stovetop wasn't that great either....
So, when the fridge died we went up to the Puddle and picked out a new one. While we were there, I tossed out to the Gman...."we should get a new stove while we're here and get rid of that "POC". Great idea....so we picked one out and left the store with both a new fridge And stove.

So...over the last year we had to replace an element...and the stovetop itself had a big of a sag to it. The warranty period expired, and about a month after that we were again, up in the Puddle.
So the Gman decides to go back into the store. I meanwhile was shoppppppingggggg...nuf said. Later he tells me the fellow at the store will basically charge us about $60 for use for one year of the stove, and will put the rest towards a different stove. Well...sweeeet.
Soooo...over the last 2 weeks or so, he has been researching stoves....I have learned more than I think I ever need to know about a stove. Ask me what a hidden bake is.....warming zone, warming drawer...expandable elements...I can pass this test.
Finally, we narrow our decision...should it be convection or not? We decide not...we keep shortlisting....finally, we order our stove over the phone.
Days later, we hear the stove is in....off we go again to the Puddle.....we have now cleaned our other stove and loaded it into the truck....drop it off at the Store. We get the box with the new stove...we open it up there in the store....
guess what???
The stove is damaged....there is NO way we are taking this thing....so they order in another one for us. We go home....no stove. No big deal, we got the barbeque, the woodstove (tho it's not a cookstove) and we got the George Foreman grill, lol!

We said....we'll come see what u have on your floor....the Gman could be going off to work any day now. That would leave me with No truck, No Way to pick up a stove and we are too far for delivery....

Kinda funny, when the salesman got everything rung up and handed me my receipt, I said...."It's got a one year warranty" and I just looked at him....man, I hope I don't have to see him Again next year! ( We got a good deal tho, because of all the frustration!)
Anyway, it doesn't match the rangehood and it doesn't match the fridge.....guess what???? Pretty much as soon as I can....I'm going shopppppingggggg again. And in the meantime, the Gman is whistling away in the kitchen....I think he's looking at the stove, lol!
I feel your pain! Not that I have lost a fridge or stove but I have had the run around with sales people and not gotten what was promised.
Sorry... I had tried to post a comment and finally got logged in and then pasted what I had wrote before and it turned out to be something I had copied and pasted on something totally different - OOPS!
Anyways - I love your new stove! It would look great with our refrigerator! LOL
We weren't happy with all the travelling we had to do to get the new stove, BUT the manager we dealt with was really good! And he really dropped the price on the stove, since we had put up with such frustration....so we will go back and deal with him again....
Linda, I really like the way it looks - it has taken a few days to not feel so nervous about using it, lol! And I baked muffins in there and set the timer...but found out instead of setting it for 15 minutes, I had set it for 15 hours! Good thing I had a back up timer going...shessh
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