He makes the Best shortbread!
While he was busy doing that, I got a start on the croquettes. The mixture is still sitting in the fridge right now - we will probably get them finished still this afternoon.
Earlier today, I got the first batch of gingerbread men done....my Dad always made these. He baked a LOT of them when he had his bakery, they were always really popular.
Of course, his looked well.....good! Professional, not like mine!
After they have their feet, hands and head decorated.
I just dip them in a bowl with icing sugar and a tad of water.
Then dip them into a bowl with sprinkles mixed with coconut.

Oh No! sorry buddy....
I have never seen a cookie cutter for ginger bread men that makes them look like they are wearing pants. Oh No Mr Bill!
Just to let you know
I love Dutch Almond Butter Cake!
I have made it, I have ate it, I have gained weight with it!
Mr Bill was my first thought too. The cookies look great, complete with the wild hairdo's on the gbread guys. :)
Keep warm - I'm glad we're in the banana belt!
Hahaha - send me the one that lost his head!!
Now that you mention it, they do look like they are wearing pants!
You know, Mr. Bill was my thought too when it happened...but I thought I was dating myself, lol! They don't still do him on SNL do they?
Well I wouldn't know, I am never awake anymore when SNL starts, lol...
Marv, too bad. But I ATE him right after I took the pic. If we meet up in January, I'll save a couple to bring ya!
Krissy, it does taste good, doesn't it? I only make it at Christmas, or I'd gain 50 lbs! Very rich....
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