I heard a snowmobile coming, figured it was our neighbour. He regularly runs over here on his snowmobile, trying to keep his trails open.

So he says to me, "You wanna go for a ride?" I looked at him warily (as I am a bit Yella, aka Chicken) He says "Nuttin to worry about, I'll go slow....no one has EVER fallen off this thing"

OK, so I grabbed the camera and hopped on the back. You can't sit down on the box, you have to stand on those back rails and then hang on to the handle.
So off we went down the road over to his place and we went across the bridge over the creek and up the back of his property....

He has built a hunting cabin (with its own woodroom, for goodness sake!). His buddies come up in the fall and they all stay in the cabin. He said they have stayed in there when it's -20C out!

So I took some pics

You can see some of the trees have snapped.....probably due to that ice storm awhile back.

Then we headed back, got over the bridge and he made a fairly sharp right hand turn, to go to the Other neighbours place.....well...guess what?
Yes, I FELL OFF....the whole sled tipped over and there I went. Luckily, just landed in the snow and not on a stump or anything.....he stopped the machine, shook his head and said...gee, no one has EVER fallen off...
Well, I guess there is a first time for everything!
It was a LOT of fun...he can really get the machine going, he said he can get it up to 75mph on the road (gulp!)
I asked him if it was ok to post some pics on the blog, and he said "go for it!"
I so so miss riding! When I lived in AK I had a snowmachine and a cabin (sold it to my sister PakArt)
We had a lot of fun up there. We liked to ride at night time. The lights would cause the snow to reflect and it was pretty.
OH!!!I would love to do that. I have never seen enough snow to really play in.I need to come for a visit, we would have tons of fun.
Cos, y'all do a lot of hard work and fun stuff.
Glad you had fun...and did not get hurt--that's probably what I would do FALL OFF!!!HA
Krissy and Pamela, I think the only reason I went was because I didn't have time to think it thru!
I probably would have got too nervous if I had time to really think it over. And I'm glad it was spur of the moment, because I'm so glad I tried it and had fun....
Krissy they must have avalanches up in AK, right? I know there have been a lot of them this year in BC....You sound like you have had some really wonderful adventures up there!
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