The far, so good. I went out there a few weeks ago and knocked all the snow off the roof. It should have just slid off, but we had that nasty spell of ice rain. Because of that, the snow that fell on top just sat there on the greenhouse.
Here's hoping that building stays UPPPP all winter....
And the temporary chicken house, sitting at the bottom of the veggie garden. This kinda shows just how much snow we have....
Compare it with the way it looked in late summer....We may go to the small town about 20 minutes away....I wouldn't mind getting a parcel of gifts into the mail, destined for the kids of my niece...a gift for new baby Wesley, and two small gifts for each of her two other we need more cold medicine...and Kleenex...uggg
I hope that you feel better soon. I'm almost over mine! I'm glad that you posted about chickens in the winter. Come spring I'm building a chicken coop and will have chickens. While you had the meat chickens did you let them run with the layers? How many chickens do you have? and what kind?
Hi Krissy, right now we have 17 layers...they are a Red Sex-Link and lay brown eggs.
We keep the meat birds separate. Very different type of bird. They like to lay around, the layers like to keep busy foraging. I think for better disease protection, you would be better off keeping them separate.
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