
Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Garden Plan

Here's the porch side table late this afternoon....all the necessities.
My garden notebook....I make note of each of the rows as soon as I'm done. I take this out into the garden itself....I've noted on each of the garden stakes how many rows of each I have....

The paper sticking out of the top corner is the diagram of the Animal Garden and the Barn Garden....I think if you click on it, you can read it if you like.....
(Got my beer there too, it's a hot afternoon)

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Aunt Krissy said...

I'm so so behind on my garden. I have not planted a thing yet! I'm going to have to go to the greenhouse and get plants. It's getting a little late for seeds.

Joanne said...

Love it...especially the refreshments to keep things going! I finally got my beds set up so time to put my garden plan into action. Watch for my plan later today :)

Linda Foley said...

Ahhhh beer... I'm heading to the fridge! LOL

Cedar View Paint Horses said...

Jung seed - Good choice!

Boy oh boy that's a lotta beans....

Annie said...

I still haven't finished planting the garden Krissy - I still have some half rows to finish up.

Joanne and Linda, on a hot day working in the garden, the promise of a cold brew can always send me back up on the porch in the shade :)

Cedar View, we have planted several different kinds of beans. Green beans for fresh eating and canning....then the rest are for drying. We hope to use those in pork and beans, chili, etc....over the winter, we can cook them on our woodstove.



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