Normally, we would give that area of the garden a quick weeding, rake it smooth and plant some other veggie in there, maybe radishes, lettuce, spinach - something fast growing in the hopes of harvesting before Fall weather sets in.
Not this year - we've decided to start putting the garden to bed for the Season once the veggies are out. Things are too "up in the air" for me right now - since I have to wait till end of August to find out what we'll be doing in September. I'd rather have as much of the garden area taken care of for the year "just in case".
If it turns out that I don't need further treatment well then, I guess we go fishing and camping, right????
So the Gman gave it a quick hoeing and raking, and I threw down the fall rye seed....
I've been seeding this stuff in during the Fall every year since we've lived here - it really does break up the clay soil native to this area.
Once I did that, the Gman raked it in, just to cover and that's that! One small area of garden taken care of!
If we get time, we will shovel a good layer of composted manure over this bed. If it doesn't happen, it's not the end of the world, the important part is done. The fall rye sown here will begin to grow within a couple of weeks, and should get nice and tall before the frost moves in heavy. We'll just leave it alone, and next Spring, it will start to grow again. Then the Gman will rototill it back into the soil, adding lots of goodness and fertility.
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Hi! Like your blog and all the photos are great. I'm in the Cariboo too, since 2004, trying to do what I can with the clay soil - mine does have a little bit of clay in there between the rocks! I'm gardening and raising an animal or two, but not on the grand scale that you are doing things. I'm learning a thing or two from your blog already and am going to try the rye and see what affect it has.
I'm seriously thinking about following your example with the rye and buckwheat... thanks for having this blog and sharing Annie.
Love the blog, I just found it looking to identify the wild berries in our yard (in Quesnel...what town in the Cariboo are you in?). We've got a lot of Saskatoon, a fair number of Salmonberry, and something I can't seem to figure out (I tasted the juice of one berry...very nice and sweet, but I'm afraid to have more).
We, like you, moved from the coast to Quesnel and are loving it!
Love the blog, and my husband Greg posted the rye seed idea. Our ground is soooo hard, and my very first garden has done ok, but probably had way more potential if we prepped the soil better. We just bought this place back in November.
I just recently joined Garden Jot, are you on there?
Best of luck!
Welcome to our blog! Hopefully you find some info here that you can use!
It takes a few years to fix up the hard clay soil here in the 'Boo....
Add as MUCH MANURE as you possibly can. Just make sure it is already composted don't add fresh manure.
If you can, start gathering it this year, and in late Fall you can put it on your garden.
Fall rye - Seed it will start to grow this season. Come Winter it will stop growing, and will start growing again in Spring when temperatures warm up.
Till it in, then try to wait 2 or 3 weeks before planting your veggie gardens!
Good Luck!!
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