
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Home Again

We got home pretty late last night, was a long day yesterday! We went to Kelowna Sunday night and stayed overnight in one of the Provincial Parks on the lake.

Monday we spent probably 5 hours at the Cancer Centre. About 4 hours with the chemo nurses (great great ladies!!). Had the first treatment consisting of the two separate drugs. What a wonderful and supportive atmosphere there, a big boon to any cancer patient to have such caring health care team workers....

Then I spent an hour with Joanne over in the Look Good Feel Better room, where we spent our time giggling together while she was fitting me with wigs and little bangs. I borrowed some hats and nightcaps etc. I have a feeling my head will be pretty cold here in the Cold White North once winter sets in.

Joanne was great, when she heard Gman was going to buzz his head in solidarity, she pulled out a nightcap for him too!

The Look Good Feel Better program is all funded by donation, and what a wonderful service they provide. If you can spare a few dollars, please bop over to the link and read about their program, then donate what you can. We can all make a little difference, can't we?

I feel pretty far. The nurses have put me on anti nausea medication and that will help for the first few days. Then.....well, I guess I wait and see what happens!

We'll probably be doing the head buzzing later on this week. We'll post some pics on the blog....maybe I can start off with a little funky mohawk, lol!!! Sphere: Related Content


Anonymous said...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a speedy recovery. Wish I could write something that would give you more comfort but at least know that you have people you don't even know rooting for you.


Anonymous said...

Healing wishes following you home
from Kelowna.


Aunt Krissy said...

How about a mullet? I think that that would be a great "do" for a pic.

Jonni said...

Lots of WARM thoughts being sent your way, from Arizona. Not even thinking about being cold, around here!! Can't wait to see you two sporting your new hair styles. Keep up with the great attitude you have, that is half of the battle.

Kellie said...

I'm glad you got the first round of treatment going. I hope it wont be too terrible for you to endure.

Best of luck!!

I like the mohawk idea too.

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