This was from one of my ole' high school friends....Ei and I share a somewhat....well....shall we say a weird sense of humour?

(This pic was taken about 6 weeks ago, shortly after the head shaving incident.)
Fast forward.....a couple of days before Christmas, the Gman brings me a parcel from the Post Office. It's from Ei....oh what could it be?????
Inside there's a says
I saw the picture of you on your blog in your auburn wig. I thought it looked lovely on you, BUT you'll always be blonde to I made you this:
(Are you sure you want to look?)
(Are you Reallllllly sure?????)
Gman and I were almost on the floor rolling with laughter....yup, that's my friend! Thanks Ei! You even gave me barrettes!!! And...highlights!!! What more could I ask for?
Thanks Ei, you made my day!!!!
Oh my gosh! How funny is that??? *rolling!* Hey you look good as a blonde!
What a gorgeous smile you have Annie!...and oh, by the way, LOVE THE HAIR!
Kathryn : )
LOL, how wonderful. Love your do.
Oh and btw - I love the new picture up top!
Thank goodness for friends like Ei.... Thanks for sharing with us.
Not bad as a blond. We really do have more fun you know. You do have to hear the same dumb blond jokes over and over. Trust me, I get them the 1st time!
LOVE the new wig. How hilarious is that! I am going through cancer treatment too. Just finished chemo and starting radiation on the 6th. My hair is finally coming in - Silver! I was going a bit grey before (my hair dresser said they were silver highlights - ha) but now I'm definately grandma material. And I'm happy with it. I figure I've earned every one of these silver hairs.
Good luck with your treatment and stay positive. Your sense of humor will take you far.
Having supportive and fun friends really helps me get through life's tough patches. You are blessed to have "Ei" in your life, and that fab hairpiece she made!
My best wishes for your health,
Christine in Alaska
Thanks! Good friends and laughter always helps in hard times, for sure!
Cindee, my friend's hair also came in silver and it looks beautiful! You're right we have earned every one of them!
o crap.....i was just about on the floor laughing at that picture.....hoooooray you are home today......enjoy must be sooo
Hi Cat, we laughed so hard, glad u enjoyed it too!
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