(originally posted January, 2010)
Here's our Garden (Edited: this pic is from 2008...as the Gman reminds me) it performed pretty good for us! But it hasn't been simply a matter of waiting till the right time to plant, then sowing the seeds, standing back and then harvesting. There's more work involved than that!
We've been working towards improving our soil since June 2006, when we moved here. At that time, there was no garden. The dirt was clay. Hard clods of clay. Over time we have managed to improve it a lot!
There are 3 (at least!) things your garden NEEDS to have in order to provide you with healthy food (aside from sunlight - place your garden in an area where it will get at least 6 hours of sunlight a day). Here they are:
Food - Your soil needs to be fed. This should be an ongoing job. Add well composted manure as top dressing while your garden is actively growing. Once you are finished harvesting an area, then pull out the bigger guns. Add as much manure as you possibly can.

We use something quick growing....Buckwheat. It flowers within 5 weeks and while it grows, in completely smothers that bare area, which means that weeds don't stand a chance! If you have chickens or other poultry, you can cut the buckwheat and feed the seeds off to the animals. Turn all the rest of it under, into the soil. Your soil will thank you!

Let that Rye grow..and grow...and grow. Got animals? You can take a cutting off it and feed it off to them. Let the Rye grow again. It will go dormant over winter. Come Early Spring, it starts growing again! In the Spring, we let it grow to maybe one foot high.

Add it all in, don't be afraid! If you can, fence off this area and let the chickens in there for a week. They'll do a great job of cleaning up all the seeds that have..ahem...gone in one end of the horse and out the other.
Water Well, it goes without saying that your garden needs water. I've read an inch per week, but we water more than that. The Gman has set up sprinklers on timers throughout the garden. These timers are well worth the money and you can get them for about $60. You'll be able to hook up 4 hoses onto the manifolds. Pretty inexpensive for allowing you to do other things rather than watering by hand.
So at our place, they come on automatically early early in the morning. By the time I roll out of bed at 6am, the top half of the garden has already been watered and the bottom half is being watered. After that one stops, the pop ups start watering the strawberry bed and raspberry beds.
If you need to conserve water (and really, who doesn't?) you can use mulch such as straw, leaves, newspapers etc. Lay these down the rows and tuck the mulch up close to the plants. Do this AFTER you have watered well. The mulch will work really well to keep the soil under the plants nice and moist.
Mulching helps with erosion control as well. And once you start working to improve your soil, erosion will become your enemy. Who wants to do all that work and watch hard rain washing you soil away?
By the time the snow starts to fall, we have layered on lots of manure, leaves and even some of the finished veggie plants. So we know that over the rest of that Fall and early Spring, the food we have fed the garden will, in turn, help to feed us the following year. And...that's a Good Thing!

He tills it all under, and it in turn decomposes and helps to nourish the soil. You will find that after just a year of following this routine, your soil will vastly improve. It will be much more friable than it was the year before. But don't stop....keep up this routine for several years and improve your soil so that it is healthy and productive.
Over time, we will find that we no longer need to even till the garden. There are no-till methods out there that you can Google and find out about. We continue to till because we still need to improve the soil. But we look forward to the year when all we have to do is dig a little furrow, drop our seeds in, and relegate the tiller to the shed forever! (Or....until we make a new flower bed!)
So there you have it....your garden needs Food, Water and Rest.....hmmmm, not unlike us humans!
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Thanks for the buckwheat tip. I've been wondering what to do with the bare earth after a big harvest. Oh, to have access to manure! I do throw any moose poo I find in the yard into the garden, better than nothing I guess.
Christine in Alaska
Great ideas that I'll be using. It looks like you've got a large gardening space. I'm jealous!
Thanks for the Rye grass reminder. We will plan to do that this year. And you are right...food, water, rest! Its the week end!!
Thank you for all the great advice!!!
Nice post, and very true. Especially about the rest part. We get anxious in the winter but I think we need the rest from Gardening so we'll get excited about it come late-winter/early spring. That's my story, anyway...
I was lloking at my goat pen this morning. I am going to have some nice "food" for my garden this spring. Not enough but better then none. What do you use to cut your rye?
& sun!
I love your blog and can't wait to read more!
is that your home on the top of your blog really like it it looks really cold problem with living in the country i allways found it a lot colder than living in the city and in the country we allways got more snow except this year there was more snow in the city
Thanks for the comments!
Kbos, that building in the banner pic is our barn. And you are right it is fairly cold in the wintertime here.
But we wouldn't trade it for anything. Plus we have a woodstove to heat our house with, so we have low electricity bills, plus the warmth of wood heat. Can't beat it
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