
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Harvesting the Veggie Gardens

Seems it wasn't that long ago that the Veggie Garden looked like this.....

but in the few short weeks since I took this pic....

the garden has changed!

We've been really busy harvesting everything we still have left out there....

All the potatoes are now out of both the gardens....

Peas, beans, zuccini are finished....

A couple of days ago it looked like this....

We've been weeding and adding lots and lots of composted manure....

3 to 4 inches everywhere....

then I've been putting down fall rye seed.

We are always trying to improve the soil.

And so we use the fall rye as a green manure....

it will start growing this year still

then go dormant for the Winter

and come next Spring, it will quickly start growing again.

When it gets about 8 inches high or so, we'll cut it down and till it under.

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Carolyn ♥ said...

well done!

Linda Foley said...

Another successful year! Yah!

HossBoss said...

Help! We have a raised bed, about 16 x 16 and seems like we are constantly fighting weeds and grass during the growing season. How do you combat that in your garden?

Annie said...

We got a LOT more done on the main garden yesterday, almost everything is out and the composted manure has been put on....

WWRWH....aren't weeds just the bane of every gardener? Arggg....

next year we are going to get the gardens lined around the outside with logs and hope that helps.

My frustration with the weeds is at an all time high this year....if all else fails, I have a glass of wine and try to concentrate on the postive!

HossBoss said...

Between the grass/weeds and the FIREANTS, I might need something stronger than wine! Oh, I forgot ...I don't drink. Well, I'll just have to concentrate extra hard on the positive. At least I know I'm not the only one struggling with the problem!

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