
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Peas, Peas, Peas.....and Garlic!

JP helped me this morning to pick thru (and then shell) the double row of peas.....pretty happy with the yield!
I blanched them and then bagged them....ended up with 3 Ziplocks filled to the brim, stuck them in the deep freeze....nice, they'll be great to eat during the winter!
We filled a 5 gallon bucket almost to the top with the empty pods...I think I'll feed these off to the 3 Little Pigs tomorrow...the hens don't seem to eat them.
Yesterday, JP picked the raspberries for me, while I pulled all my garlic. I'm really happy with the harvest!
I'm going to let them dry a bit on the porch for a couple of days, then I can more easily brush the remaining dirt off.....then trim the roots. I think I might try to make one of those garlic braids.
This winter I want to have a bunch of garlic so I can make Roasted Garlic....yummy!
The Eman (my oldest son) wheeled a whole bunch of firewood down to the barn and stacked it for me. This will sure make it easier for me when it comes to getting the woodstove lit to cook food for the pigs.
Plus, he transferred a bunch of feed around for me. So our mini tote is now empty, folded up and put away.....that feed is now in the biggest freezer we have down there.
It's a huge help to have them here, and they sure are enjoying our farm! They both like to spend time down at the barn....JP handfeeds grass to the laying hens (she's spoiling them!!) and the Eman likes hanging out watching the pigs.
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Anonymous said...

Hello Annie,

Good looking bird, the chicken I mean! Do you have green beans as well? How do carrots fare in your area? I planted some swiss chard, but it does not grow well in our climate. We have a refreshing rain on the coast. We have had some very warm days, around 30 C. Ttyl. AJM

Linda Foley said...

Wow Annie nice harvest! Those peas look like they are in GALLON zip loc bags! Wonderful!

Annie said...

Hi AJM....I would have thought chard would do just fine over there?? Carrots, are Awesome up here, every root crop does really well....Green beans are forming, not ready to pick yet.

Linda, come on up when u get a chance, I could really use a hand shelling all these peas! Next year, I am moving to Sugar Snap, a lot less work!


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