We've been busy around here the last couple of days....I've been working on getting the berry bed finished off....remember this?
I put a trailer load of horse manure on one half of the berry bed, put up temporary fencing and put my girls in there....over a few days, they worked thru all of it, and it turned out looking like this.....much better! BTW, that manure was from the fall, so it wasn't fresh....the fresh stuff will burn the plants, so it must be set aside for about 2 months....
Then the G man put some new posts in and we got the wire fencing done....and I was able to get to work. I moved the raspberries and spaced them out better....18 inches apart, about 3 feet between the 2 rows. We'll put up 2 wires between the rows, one about 2 feet, the other about 4 feet....this will give the plants something to lean against....
Then I set up my temporary fencing again (but did a better job this time!) and separated the middle section....threw some scratch in and the gals came running...good, now they can work this bed for awhile...this portion is in Awful Shape! Terrible....heavy clay soil, perennial weeds taking over it...I never spent the time prepping this bed properly when I first planted it, and have paid for it since! Hopefully having the girls working it will get it on it's way to being a productive area of our garden....after they work the soil and get rid of the weeds for awhile, then I will add manure, just like I did with the other portion of the bed....by the end of this gardening season, this bed should be in a Lot Better shape!
Another view...the sawdust is the Path in the finished portion of the bed....
Here's what it looks like from the porch...getting better! The left side of the bed holds my garlic, a few irises and a few chives....the middle section holds the workers....the right section holds the raspberries, plus a few plants pictured below....
Does it seem like something is missing in this picture? There is...Thank Goodness!
In the front are chives...behind them is lovage just starting to come up. Lovage is wonderful! Tastes very similar to celery, great for adding to soups, stews etc...and very easy to grow. The stick on the right is a Hazelnut that I got last year, and is Really struggling. I just moved it into this bed yesterday, so I can keep an eye on it....
One of our Highbush Cranberrys shrubs...I ordered 4 last year, 2 look like they are dead but I will keep an eye on them...I should cut them back a bit to see if I can find any green growth on their trunks....the other 2 have lots of nice buds!
Primulas in bloom
Chives ready for picking....
Rhubarb in its final spot, I hope! Spaced out much better than before. I moved them with a Big amount of soil around them, and hopefully the transplanting won't hurt too much....
Today it's lightly raining here, which is great timing for getting this bed at least finished this far!
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