
Friday, June 27, 2008

Hilling the Potatoes

I started hilling the potatoes today...I'll hill them at least twice over the season, maybe even three times, we'll see how it's a few pics

When you plant potatoes, your harvest is going to come BETWEEN the potato that you threw in the hole AND the soil surface....this is why it's such a good thing to hill each plant. That way, you are increasing the amount of soil around each plant, thus making more room for more potatoes to grow (and for Those potatoes to get bigger)
In this first pic, on the left are potatoes that haven't been hilled, on the right are two rows that have been hilled for the first time.
Just use your hoe to bring the soil up and around the plant....

Here you can see I've hilled the row on one side only, just to give an idea of the difference....

Aaaah...another row completely hilled on two sides.....that makes 3 rows done, about 25 rows to go...yeehaw!

I'll likely come back to this row in about 3 weeks and hill it again....and of course the bonus is, that hilling gives you the chance to hoe out any weeds in the tater patch!

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