
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Meat Bird Room

We're going to be moving the meat birds down to the barn in about a week, so we have to get things finished up down there....

We have to bring up the ground level around the entry door, so we have been bringing wheelbarrow loads of soil over. We've got a start on it, and since there is work to be done inside, we figured we might as well walk up and down on it for awhile. After it compacts, we'll add another load or two.....

Inside, we have to bring in enough soil to fill up the spaces under the walls that you can see....

So I worked on that today, and here's what it looks like inside now....the ground level is better. And we put up corner boards so the birds can't all get jammed up together. I pounded in two stakes which will hold a chicken wire fence divider between the two halves of the room.

I've brought the big waterer down...we're using the big feeder in that temporary chicken coop, so may need to pick up another feeder when I go in to get more chicken wire....

We'll put down some hay all over the floor in there for the birds to sit on....I'm gonna wait a few days for that though. And I'll leave the doors and windows open in the room for now too, just to make sure the whole floor is as dry as possible, after all those spring rains and cool weather.

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