One day, we hope to fix it all up, rejuvenate the pasture, and then hopefully get a couple of cows....but that's for another year. We always seem to have plenty to do in our gardens and barn...

We talk about getting the pasture fixed up, and we want to start our plan with putting in a rough road down to the creek. Then, the hope is, we can ditch beside the road, put up fencing and let in some animals to graze.
I was out on the porch, watching the Gman work with his machine, and he started moving farther and farther down that road line we had so many times pointed out and dreamnt about....
Then he came back up to the yard, and yelled "Want to take a Ride?" Well, did I, you bet!
It was the first time I have been in the excavator...the Gman has tried many times to talk me into learning how to use the machine...No way, uh uh...no thank you! Cuz I just know, if I ever were to learn, next thing I knew, I'd be doing Actual Work on that darn thing...and isn't it enough that I mow all the lawns? Well, isn't it? No way I am learning how to work that machine!

Off we went....
Look at all those willows...there are a few large aspens there too.

Looking back from the fields to our house...
Such a beautiful rosy pink colour on the grass, simply gorgeous!
In order to redo the pasture, we're gonna have to pull out those willows, and do some ditching. then fencing, then running wire, arg.....see how this job is easy to put off until another year?? But we have something to dream about....it would be so neat to get it all cleaned up, and see a few cows out there grazing, wouldn't it?
Dear Annie,
Found your blog through your comment on Ree's site. I just had a look through your posts and wanted to say what a delight you are! I love your journal and style of life! Will be checking in often!
Hi Annie... it is beautiful! Goats would love that field and the willows!
I forgot to add... the goats would kill that willow for you too!
Hi Amy, thanks for your kind words...I sure love Ree's site, and the way she writes....glad to hear you'll check in to see what's new on our homestead!
Linda, you are right, goats would love it down there in the pasture....I'm not sure I'd want the responsibility of having goats too...one thing at a time, lol....we feel like we're still just dipping our toes in this new lifestyle, lol!
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